Australia, including the Sydney Opera House and Sydney Harbor Bridge, is stunning beyond what photography can convey.
Our vacation began with New Zealand’s beautiful Auckland / Rotorua / Redwoods / Huka Falls / Craters of the Moon / Waitomo Glowworms Caves / Taupo / Pirongia / and Hamilton Gardens. In Australia, we met terrific family in Gold Coast / observed these exciting birds — and these too / hiked breathtaking views / enjoyed delicious eats at the beach / saw some wild things and cute things at Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary / had fun with Rita Rigby / and enjoyed a bit of the beauty and beasts of Brisbane…
And ended with Sydney! From — nature to architecture to entertainment to food to a heck of a lot more — it was impossible to see all of Sydney’s wonderfulness in the few days left to our holiday. What less would anyone expect of a city with a Writers Walk in front of their most notable site?! Mark Twain’s comments (near the Sydney Opera House) about his visit over a century ago still ring true…
Same as the other parts of Australia we’d visited earlier, ibis flock to Sydney as plentifully as pigeons do to our Los Angeles. We saw this ibis near a touching memorial to Australia’s working horses…
Their NSW State Library is as impressive for its architecture, collection, and reading room as it is for its displays of culture and art. Surely you’re not surprised by what caught my eye there — dogs, including a kangaroo dog!!!…
What is a kangaroo dog? Well, here and then here (note the probably Australian comments with the video lol) are what I found when I googled ‘kangaroo dog’…
We also ate various delicious types of food. The first night we had African food, another time I had a great veggie burger…
Visit back here soon, dear reader, for more about Sydney! What are your vacation plans?
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