Member-only story
Halloween is soon upon us! I love how low-expectation it is, so anything about it is easy to appreciate as a bonus. My doggie is takes barking seriously when visitors knock at the door, so I enjoy halloween vicariously, through kind neighbors who decorate their lawns. Sweet friends scoot their fire table onto their driveway, where my husband and I join them to marvel at the stream of ghouls and goblins. Generosity, whimsy, creativity, it’s all there, and it feeds my soul as a novelist (about my novels here).
The other day, while walking my dog, I was totally tickled at seeing this on a nearby playful soul’s lawn…
Today’s guest post is all about the wonderfulness of people connecting. You might remember Darlene Foster from when she guested here before.
The Importance of Mixing with Other Writers by Darlene Foster
“Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it…